
What role does cloud computing have in Agile application development?

Posted by Marbenz Antonio on June 21, 2022

26 Top Cloud Computing Examples In 2022 | Built In

Speed, efficiency, and effectiveness

Speed, economy, and effectiveness are critical in agile software development, which asks for short release cycles focused on particular customer needs. As a result, agile application research and development teams have resorted to cloud computing to integrate continuous integration with continuous application delivery.

By using the cloud for application development, developers (and testers) may construct and test various scenarios in real-time — and on an infinite number of testing and staging servers — while parallelizing development activities and correcting defects on both older and newer versions.

Although the cloud is not required for agile application development, its use allows software teams to significantly reduce operational times and associated expenses, among other advantages.

Why is agile adoption increasing?

Agile application development anticipates the requirement for flexibility and simplifies the final product delivery. Components or features are continually improved throughout development since it is built on incremental, step-by-step development and iterations (sprints).

Also, agile is becoming more popular among development teams since it enables:

  1. Planning that is flexible
  2. Client and development team members working together
  3. Rapid development cycles
  4. Continual alterations and design enhancements at every stage of development
  5. Client contact and feedback are ongoing.

A suitable match: Agile methodology and the cloud

While agile development may take place outside of the cloud, teams are increasingly turning to cloud computing to decrease the cost of software development by delivering infrastructure — including software and hardware — on a pay-per-use basis.

Simply said, by integrating agile and the cloud, development teams are better equipped to provide important functionality to end users, gather instantaneous replies, and make rapid adjustments based on their input. Companies that use the cloud to accelerate their release cycles, for example, can make incremental improvements monthly, weekly, or even daily.

Due to large distribution costs, this quick application development cycle — a core feature of the cloud — is more difficult to accomplish in the traditional waterfall development approach. Agile, on the other hand, focuses on discrete phases that are produced one at a time and are not hampered by any blockages that may come at other stages of the process.

Before the process begins, the specifics of the entire project are visualized and outlined using the traditional way. In contrast, the agile technique offers greater flexibility by allowing modifications at any level of development.

Cloud aids parallelism and encourages innovation

Although an agile approach strives to eliminate most inefficiencies and delays in software development, it becomes a serial activity. Public cloud computing, which is predicted to nearly double from $229 billion in 2019 to $500 billion in 2023, has the potential to shift agile into a more parallel activity than it was previously.

When software is released to customers, for example, a product development team can work on a new feature release of the program while a product maintenance team works on correcting defects and patch releases. This parallelism results in agile software development teams that are more efficient, effective, and well-utilized.

Additionally, because the cloud enables access to an infinite number of computers, experimentation and innovation are far more feasible. This is because developers do not have to wait for the next version, as they would if they were confined to working on a limited number of physical servers.

Arrow helps businesses in succeeding in the cloud

Cloud computing has progressed from infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and serverless computing. To completely integrate numerous cloud services into their environment, organizations must have the capabilities to safeguard data as it moves around the ecosystem, as well as the ability to coordinate and manage cloud services.

They must also be familiar with the cloud. Arrow offers a three-pronged strategy that provides the necessary support tools for businesses to create a successful cloud practice. It benefits them:

  • Make the switch to a lucrative cloud practice.
  • Boost cloud growth and prospects.
  • Improve the efficiency of cloud services and investments.

To summarize, cloud computing assists agile development teams by providing a wide range of tools for managing application development, such as sprint management, budgeting, time monitoring and reporting, and customer feedback.

By using the cloud for agile application development, teams may construct and test various scenarios in real-time — on an unlimited number of testing and staging servers — while also parallelizing development processes and correcting defects on releases.


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