The sophisticated cyber threats of today necessitate a modern approach to security. And this isn’t...
Everyone can Apply to become a Cyber Defender Specialist

Microsoft has emphasized the importance of cybersecurity throughout Cybersecurity Awareness Month and has created tools available to assist individuals and organizations in exercising caution. It’s excellent that this month serves as a reminder, and it would be even better if spreading awareness were to continue all year round. The key is education. Their best line of defense against more sophisticated cyberattacks is a combination of security tools, applying as a Cyber Defender Specialist, and informed users. After all, security teams are being put under a growing strain to secure the vast digital ecosystem of today. And as the talent gap in our industry grows, it won’t get any better. According to current projections, over 3.4 million cybersecurity experts will need to be trained and added to the global workforce.
The good news is that by removing barriers, being more inclusive, and providing opportunities in cybersecurity to everyone, we have the chance to not only improve but also increase the community of defenders.
Improving security through a diversity of viewpoints by applying in Cyber Defender Specialist
The defense community must be as diverse as the attackers we face to meet the challenges of the future and the present. Unfortunately, despite the progress made, a lot of groups continue to be underrepresented in the cybersecurity industry. Less than 25% of the cyber workforce is made up of women, and in 2021, only 9% of cybersecurity workers were Black and 4% are Hispanic. Not only is the current underrepresentation of these groups a huge missed opportunity, but it also means users are unable to address complex cybersecurity issues from a variety of viewpoints.
The seeds of change are there, which is a blessing; it is up to us all to encourage their development. A Microsoft-commissioned study indicates that 82% of American women think there is an opportunity for them in the cybersecurity sector. They’re correct, too! Incredibly exciting and demanding, cybersecurity is a fantastic career path where you can change the world daily.
However, 71% of women believe that cybersecurity is a “too complex” career, and they must change this perception immediately. They’re working hard to achieve that at Microsoft. “For anyone who thinks that cybersecurity is a male profession, I would say you’re going to see a lot of men. It doesn’t mean you can’t make your own table, make your own seat. It doesn’t mean that you don’t belong, because you do.”
Making cybersecurity training accessible to more students
To assist community colleges in the United States in preparing the upcoming generation of cyber defenders, Microsoft launched its cybersecurity jobs campaign in 2021. The campaign offers accredited higher education institutions free cybersecurity curricula, staff training, and financial help for low-income students to fill thousands of cybersecurity positions by 2025.
Since its inception, the Microsoft Cybersecurity Scholarship Program in collaboration with the Last Mile Education Fund has helped more than 1,000 low-income community college students in 47 states. With the help of this scholarship program, a talent pool that might not have had access to higher education has been greatly expanded. A student, Justin claims, “Without this grant, there is no way I could have started this semester. I’ve already put my family through too much trying to make this happen to risk any chance of not finishing. Thank you for believing in me.” Because of statements like this and positive outcomes, Microsoft has expanded its cybersecurity jobs campaign to 24 more nations. These nations all have a skills gap in their cybersecurity workforces, both in terms of numbers and diversity.
Also, to assist girls find real-world inspiration, Microsoft developed Microsoft DigiGirlz, a program that gives female students in middle and high school an early chance to learn about careers in technology, connect with Microsoft employees, and take part in practical technology workshops. And Microsoft has developed the Imagine Cup for students who want to show off their skills. Students may get special training, take advantage of mentorship opportunities, compete for great prizes, and work together to develop creative solutions that have a positive impact.
Providing educators with cybersecurity tools and curricula
Microsoft also provides access to certification course materials for Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals (SC-900) and Microsoft Azure Security Technologies through the Microsoft Learn for Educators program (AZ-500). Free practice tests, curriculum integration, and course preparation activities led by Microsoft trainers are additional resources for educators. Also, they’re opening up access to cybersecurity courses to educational institutions through LinkedIn Learning, and our Microsoft Learn platform offers even more options for security skill development.
Also, Microsoft is working with the National Cybersecurity Training & Education Center (NCyTE) to support universities by achieving the Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) designation and to offer faculty opportunities for professional development. This support will lay the groundwork for cybersecurity education at almost 15% of community institutions across the. Naria Santa Lucia, Senior Director of Digital Skills and Employability at Microsoft Philanthropies, just gave the following straightforward explanation in an interview with Fortune magazine: “Community colleges are so affordable, and they are everywhere. That system has a lot of women and lots of students of color. If we can really tap that infrastructure to start getting that message out, that’s a good start to diversifying the talent pipeline.”
Since 2009, Microsoft Technology Education and Learning Support (TEALS) has continued to support the development of long-lasting computer science education initiatives. Through the use of tested curricula and industry volunteers, TEALS assists teachers in becoming successful computer science instructors. More than 95,000 students have received computer science education since the program’s inception. More than 500 high schools in Canada and British Columbia are currently supported by TEALS. Microsoft added cybersecurity to 37 schools’ TEALS program course offerings in the last academic year.
Creating partnerships to develop new Cyber Defender Specialist
Security is a team sport, and collaboration is essential to the defender community’s success. Microsoft continues to collaborate with groups that maintain similar ideals and encourage diversity in the area of cybersecurity education.
Only 8% of information security analysts in the United States are African Americans. By taking part in the HBCU Cybersecurity Industry Collaboration Initiative Pilot, Microsoft intends to boost that figure. By working with four historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), the initiative needs to prepare students for careers in cybersecurity and engineering through research partnerships, guest speakers, and mentoring programs: Prairie View A&M University, Virginia State University, Hampton University, and North Carolina A&T State University. Separately, 45 scholarships worth a combined total of USD182,500 will be given this year through the Blacks at Microsoft (BAM) program.
Through mentorship programs, summer programming, training, and specialized curriculum for high school students and early-career women, Microsoft has also partnered with Girl Security to “create career pathways for girls, women, and gender minorities to shape solutions to our most pressing security challenges.” By working with WiCyS (Women in CyberSecurity), Microsoft also supports all women, allies, and advocates. By giving mentorship, professional development opportunities, scholarships, conferences, and job fairs, Microsoft is supporting the global empowerment of women’s recruitment, retention, and progression. This includes collaborating with WiCyS to grow its student chapters across more than 20 countries.
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You are the only thing missing
Microsoft is dedicated to ensuring that everyone may pursue a career in cybersecurity. To counter tomorrow’s cyber threats, it will take all of us—from every background—bringing our talents, skills, perspectives, and life experiences to this cause. In honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, And sincerely hope you will forward this blog to any loved ones, coworkers, or acquaintances who might be considering a career in cybersecurity. The potential for being a Cyber Defender Specialist is enormous.
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