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Massachusetts Workforce Program to Produce Skilled Workers

It is important for both companies and individuals to address the workforce and shortage of skilled technology professionals. This year, 46% of employers plan to hire more people with expertise in open-source technologies, and they will need a constant flow of qualified candidates to fill these positions. A career in the information technology field offers an average annual salary of over $100,000, the potential for advancement, and the opportunity to work in a dynamic industry.
However, not everyone has the time or desire to pursue a college degree in Computer Science, which means there are many people with the potential to excel in the IT field but who have not yet had the opportunity to develop their skills.
To address this issue, RedHat developed the Red Hat workforce development program for aspiring IT professionals and the companies that will hire them. The program provides hands-on training in Red Hat technologies and the opportunity to become a certified Red Hat System Administrator to students who are not seeking a degree, including those who want to switch careers or start a new one. This program helps enterprises find qualified, entry-level employees with experience using open-source software.
In 2021, they launched the program in partnership with two North Carolina community colleges: Wake Technical Community College and Fayetteville Technical Community College. The goal is to expand the program nationwide to address the shortages of skilled technology professionals that are affecting organizations and individuals throughout the country.
That’s why they’re excited to announce that, starting in 2023, they will partner with Bunker Hill Community College in Massachusetts to offer the Red Hat workforce development program to students across the state.
Creating Equity in Massachusetts’ Technology Workforce
The state of Massachusetts has taken a proactive approach to support workforce development for students and young people who want to work in the technology industry. For example, the state recently held STEM Week to increase interest in STEM careers, particularly among women, people of color, people with disabilities, and English language learners.
Offering the Red Hat workforce development program at community colleges throughout Massachusetts aligns with the state’s efforts to develop a skilled technology workforce. The program aims to increase diversity in the technology industry by giving underrepresented individuals the chance to learn valuable skills that they can use to enter the job market.
This aligns with the views of Massachusetts’ Lieutenant Governor, Karyn Polito, who recently attended a workforce development event at Red Hat’s Boston offices. “Programs like the one offered by Red Hat can be essential in making a career in technology a reality for a student who may not otherwise have the chance to work in the field,” said Polito, who is also the co-chair of Massachusetts’ STEM Advisory Council. “We need more programs like this to provide people with accessible and essential IT skills training.”
Growing and Evolving
Red Hat’s partnerships with Massachusetts and North Carolina are the first steps in what will likely be a growing and evolving workforce development program. The company plans to continue seeking opportunities to partner with additional states across the country as it works towards its workforce development goals and strives to reduce the shortage of skilled technology professionals.
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