
How to Keep Up With Technology Trends That Are Changing

Posted by Marbenz Antonio on February 10, 2022

In the business, there’s a lot of talk about IoT trends, robots taking over, and legacy equipment vs. digital production. This is a positive thing because technology is becoming more and more embedded into our daily lives.

What Can Manufacturers Do Keep Change Initiatives?

Looking at actual employees — those who operate equipment, answer phones, develop parts, and so on — many people have serious worries when taking a step back from industry trends. “The world is changing so rapidly, I’m scared I’ll find myself out of the loop eventually,” is a prevalent fear in the manufacturing business.

In today’s world, this is a reasonable notion, and it’s more frequent than you would believe. Fortunately, if your main interest is staying current, then locating the greatest resources to learn from is all that’s required. The following are some of the greatest ways to start learning and staying up with technology because everyone learns and absorbs information differently.

Accept Web Content

We love the Internet. Have you ever heard something like that? It is. You’ll be able to obtain a steady stream of information when it’s released. Blogs, podcasts, forums, reputable business resources, or a simple search engine query may all be used to do this.

You don’t have time to look for material regularly? Consider putting up an RSS feed that will route material to you a couple of times a day from your resources of choice. You will get headlines or a summary of a webpage’s updates if you subscribe to its RSS feed.

Perhaps you’re interested in a few other topics’ trends? Set up a Google Alert on those topics (for example, 3D printing) and get notified anytime new information on that topic is published from many sources, or subscribe to the best manufacturing newsletters. The aim is to identify credible industry sources that can provide you with the most up-to-date news and trends in one location, such as the latest sourcing trends, manufacturing and innovation, and supply chain recommendations – all from a trusted source.

Social Media Accounts in the Industry to Follow

“Isn’t social media a component of online content?” Yes, but we can all agree that it has become a separate entity.

You may communicate with industry professionals from all around the world on open platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. The aim is to follow accounts of individuals and organizations that are pushing the boundaries every day and who are outside of your regular news arena, from major firms you like to startups outside your field that inspire you to entrepreneurs who started from the bottom. Getting in touch with individual workers from different firms may be a wonderful way to keep up with the latest news while also learning about their culture. You can observe what’s happening right now in the areas of technology and geography that matter to you the most by using social media.

Diversify the Types of Content You Use

It’s fine if some individuals choose to read rather than read on a computer screen. From Inside Supply Management to Inbound Logistics, general to specialty, there is a bevy of publications for you to browse. They aren’t quite the same as reading the latest news on the internet, but they are typically more effective in helping you learn and retain the information you’re searching for. It doesn’t matter if you read a book, a magazine, a newspaper, a white paper, or an academic report to acquire your news. Diversifying your reading habits will help you learn more and provide you with ideas for your own business that others may not have thought about.

More than half of the engineers and technical professionals polled for the 2020 Smart Marketing for Engineers report said they watch videos for work at least once a week, with those aged 45 and underspending the most time — which makes sense, given that when a message is communicated through video, it is retained at a rate of 95%, compared to reading it in text.

Make Time For Online Training

Check your local college for technology programs or crash courses. At the touch of a button, you may access webinars, online tutorials, and online classes, all of which are typically free. Coursera and EdX are two examples of massive open online courses (MOOCs) that allow you to attend classes from approved colleges at your own pace. Many firms are happy to conduct onsite training, bringing the classroom to you, if your company needs some in-house training.

Attend Virtual Events And Webinars

Being there at the announcement is sometimes the greatest method to acquire the most up-to-date information. Many networking events make it clear what they’re going to focus on and what you can expect in the next years. They help you to network with other professionals in your field and gain a better understanding of future trends. In a more personal environment, smaller meetings, such as a meet-up, offer the same benefits as major conferences. Make connections with people both inside and beyond your field. Learning how others use new technology may be valuable to you, and it may lead to the development of a new product, service, or business that you can use in your own business.

Collaborate With Your Teams

Check your local college for technology programs or crash courses. At the touch of a button, you may access webinars, online tutorials, and online classes, all of which are typically free. Coursera and EdX are two examples of massive open online courses (MOOCs) that allow you to attend classes from approved colleges at your own pace. Many firms are happy to conduct onsite training, bringing the classroom to you, if your company needs some in-house training.

Teams should collaborate on the company’s overarching strategy. Don’t just have one team update anything new without fully informing the rest of the company about your plans. Encourage them to alter and adapt to your company’s needs, and let them know how vital it is to keep up with the latest technological developments. Before you put your newfound information into practice, be sure you evaluate what you’ve learned. Collaborating with different departments in your company will also help you see things that you may have missed. The second set of eyes may be able to assist in finding a solution. In the end, power comes from knowledge.

Partner with an Advisor

When there are other day-to-day chores to do, keeping up with the latest technology might be tough for some businesses. Job shops are particularly hesitant to change a system that “already works,” according to recent Thomas Industry Update Podcast guest Jason Ray, CEO, and co-founder of Paperless Parts.

When it comes to adopting Industry 4.0 technologies, Ray’s greatest advice for manufacturers and job shops is to take a proactive rather than reactive approach. Don’t wait until technology becomes a “must-have” to stay ahead of the curve.


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