
Develop an Upskill Training Program that Delivers Value

Posted by Marbenz Antonio on July 11, 2023

Updating Our Thinking Around Upskilling | ATD

Effective skill and upskill development and employee training programs have the potential to create a significant positive impact on your organization when implemented with the right approach.

Continual learning is crucial for equipping your workforce to meet present demands and tackle future challenges. To achieve this adaptability within your organization, it is essential to establish a well-functioning learning and development (L&D) upskilling program.

However, before that, you must construct the program in a manner that generates visible value.

Upskill Training that Aligns with Business Goals

Leadership executives in various industries have recognized the potential of L&D programs to drive business growth, and it is the responsibility of your team to develop a program that facilitates ongoing upskilling.

Let’s examine the key objectives that a value-focused upskilling program should aim to achieve.

Build an Agile Workforce

Equipping your workforce and teams with the necessary skills to adapt quickly enables your business to thrive in the face of unforeseen circumstances, whether they present challenges or opportunities.

Agility is commonly associated with being prepared to navigate difficult times, which is understandable given the economic recessions and disruptive events experienced by many individuals throughout their lives.

However, the true value of agility lies in being prepared to seize opportunities. As an L&D leader, fostering a growth mindset among your learners can inspire innovation that drives the evolution of your business.

Upskill Increases Employee Retention

Establishing a culture of continuous learning within an organization has demonstrated its significance in enhancing employee engagement and reducing turnover.

According to the recent LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report, 93% of organizations express concerns about retaining employees and consider learning opportunities as the primary means to enhance retention.

Upskill Supports Career Pathing

The future leaders of your organization may already be present within your ranks, waiting to be equipped with the necessary upskilling support to guide them from their current positions to the executive level.

According to the findings of the Workplace Learning Report, at the two-year mark:

  • Employees who have experienced at least one internal transfer have a 75% probability of staying with the company.
  • On the other hand, employees who have not undergone any internal transfers have only a 56% likelihood of remaining.

These goals are interconnected, leading to value creation. The synergy between internal mobility and employee retention fosters an agile and motivated workforce.

Learning Metrics that Demonstrate Value

Investing in upskilling and reskilling your workforce is a long-term commitment, but it can yield immediate benefits. To validate the impact of your program on business outcomes, it is essential to track and share relevant metrics that showcase its value.

Here are key metrics that you should monitor and analyze.

Improved performance reviews

The effectiveness of an upskilling training program can be observed through individual performance. As employees and teams embrace new skills, their application of these skills will have a positive influence on their daily work, leading to recognition by supervisors and managers.

Team and organization business metrics

When your upskilling program is in sync with your business objectives, its impact will be evident in various tracked metrics. These metrics encompass team performance indicators like efficiency ratios and employee productivity per task, as well as broader organizational measurements such as sales revenue, customer churn rate, and cost of customer acquisition.

Improved employee productivity

There are countless opportunities for upskilling that can enhance personal performance and team efficiency. Whether it involves improving time management skills or adopting a new software solution to streamline repetitive tasks, these achievements will be reflected in increased employee productivity metrics.

Progress toward closing workforce skills gaps

With the shift in hiring trends towards emphasizing specific skills rather than traditional career-track experience, it’s possible that some individuals in your workforce possess exceptional soft skills but may lack certain hard skills required for optimal performance in their roles. Bridging these skills gaps is not only an important metric to track but also a key factor in improving employee retention rates.

Achieving a value-oriented upskill training program

Establishing alignment between your program goals and business objectives, as well as understanding the appropriate metrics for obtaining valuable insights, forms a solid foundation. The subsequent step involves leveraging the available L&D tools to develop a comprehensive upskilling program.

Individualized Career Pathing

By developing career pathing plans for your workforce, you can maximize the potential of your employees and capitalize on their strengths. Investing in upskill training that aligns with both the individual goals of your workers and the objectives of the organization will enable your workforce to enhance their current skills and unlock their full potential.

Leveraging Technology for Flexibility

In today’s workforce, where remote and hybrid work arrangements are prevalent, leveraging online learning platforms can offer your employees diverse learning opportunities tailored to their individual needs, all while achieving organizational goals.

Here at CourseMonster, we know how hard it may be to find the right time and funds for training. We provide effective training programs that enable you to select the training option that best meets the demands of your company.

For more information, please get in touch with one of our course advisers today or contact us at training@coursemonster.com

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