
Boost your career with Microsoft Excel Training!

Posted by Kelvin on February 6, 2021

If you’re still looking for a New Year’s resolution, we propose that you to upgrade your Microsoft Excel Training skills. Although many people believe Excel focuses on spreadsheets, it can do much more for those who can master the software across different markets.

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheets software that lets you tabulate, analyse and visualise data in order to help you better understand customer data and take smart business decisions.

Anyone can tap numbers into a spreadsheet, but with the right training you will be able to go beyond the basics. Not only is it a way to store and organise information into cells and sheets, but you will quickly perform all manners of calculations with the data. You will learn what PivotTables are, and how to master them, discover productivity and shortcuts and automation techniques, and learn how to use the powerful visualisation tools.

Total beginners and self-proclaimed experts alike can benefit from the range of Microsoft Excel training, offered by CourseMonster, and start slicing and dicing numbers like a pro.

There are a range of courses that go over the fundamentals of Excel spreadsheets, where you will learn the different types of charts.

You will not only learn how to calculate and organise your data, but also how to display your analysis using PivotTables and PivotCharts. With the included beginner course, you will learn basic functions and formulas. Once you know how to automate all of the time consuming procedures, you are used to putting manually, you will be surprised by how much time you save.

You will learn about the different types of charts and practice through interactive, hands-on demonstrations and exercises. If you are not familiar with Power Query, Power Pivot, and DAX, don’t worry. Some lessons cover how to use these tools and help you practice commonly used functions.

Another essential tool you need to shine in is Pivot Tables, which allow you to quickly explore and analyse raw data. You’ll learn raw data structures, table layouts, formatting, and more. After Pivot Tables, you’ll move onto creating your Data models that help you gather accurate, complete, and timely reports.

Lastly, you’ll get familiar with Excel Macros and VBA. This lesson will each you how to automate placing, and formatting, a title, create a report based on multiple sets of data found within multiple Excel worksheets, and automate the creation of the Excel Formula to SUM Data up in your report and more.

Want to know more about Microsoft Excel Training? Visit our courses now.

Microsoft Excel Courses available with CourseMonster.com:

For more information, please get in touch with one of our course advisers today.

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